following are some pics of the flock and their body guard !!
The birds are free ranged from 7am till 8pm when they promptly put themselves to bed in their sheds and the doors are closed....they spend their day scratching and wandering around a 6 acre paddock...they enjoy the afternoons when all the flying bugs come out and they get to chase them down.
Feeding time is an amazing experience...300 birds all over the Bird sanctuary in QLD...they perch on your shoulders and on your back when you bend down to pick up the feeders.....amazingly friendly
Nothing like 300 layers running at you when you have a full Barrow of feed....something I will have to get pics of.
For all of you that have requested updated pics of Gloria (thanks Lucy and Trace), I know I have been slack...I finally have something to take pics of...FEATHERS they have just seemed to pop up in the last few weeks....promise to post them tomorrow